1. Where are you from originally, and what brought you to Los Angeles (if you are not originally from LA)?
Joe: I was born at the Kaiser Permanente on Sunset. I lived on Wilton, in Park LaBrea and well, all over Los Angeles really. I now make my home in gorgeous Echo Park.
Flaco: Camarillo. Music, and the escape from ultra-conservatism brought me here. Chissum Worthington : orange county.
2. How did the name Pu$$y Cow come about (for those that don't know the story)?
Flaco: Who is this Pu$$y-Cow, anyway?
Joe: Pu$$y-Cow is a common heard mondegreen among Los Angeles residents. Sort of like hearing "excuse me while I kiss this guy" instead of "the sky" in Purple Haze. There was a car salesman who would sell cars with an infectious jingle to the tune of, "If you're happy and you know it". It went, "If you wanna car or truck, go see cal!". Many kids heard, "If you wanna car or truck, pussy cow!" The thing is they would start every commercial by announcing, "Here is Cal Worthington and his dog, Spot" and it was never a dog! So the idea wasn't even dirty as much as we just thought Cal was confused about animals.
3. How did the current line-up meet? Why did you decide to form a band?
Joe: Danny and I have known each other since high school. Mike Schnee (Chissum Worthington) was hanging around Kiss or Kill taking shots for his documentary. Flaco had just ended his time in his band, No Way Jose. I knew back then that Flaco was one of the most amazing bass players I had ever seen. So I asked if he'd like to start a project with me. Dannybecame our drummer. Flaco suggested Schnee as guitarist as they had played in Wormstew together for a bit. I don't know why as much as I always wanted to be in a band. I'm sure the other guys have other ideas as to why. They are all seasoned veterans. I'm the newbie.
Flaco: Joe met me as a performer with NWJ. Danny and Mike, I met going to shows
4. What has been the craziest show you have played to date?
Joe: hmmm. Crazy how? It was crazy to open for the Muffs and the Adicts. It was crazy to have our first residency at KorK over a year ago and do a lounge medley of some of our fave KorK bands' songs. I think one of the craziest shows we ever had was this show at the lava lounge when every member of Pu$$y-Cow was horribly trashed. People loved it but it was honestly the worst we had all been on stage. Usually you get a Joe got too drunk night or a Chissum had too much booze night.This particular night we were all just horribly drunk but yet very entertaining. We knocked them dead!
Flaco: 1st time at Key Club, with cracked rib, schnookered outta me dome Joe: I think that was the show he threw a bottle at Mike.
5. What instruments do you each play?
Joe: Voice and Kazoo and Baby Piano
Flaco: Bass(fretless,Fender,upright again when I own a house), guitar, mandolin. My favorite of late is musical typing, with MIDI patches, vs. using a regular synth controller. Like a video game jock, that prefers the keyboard, and snubs the joystick. I compose a lot, so the instruments do what I tell them, like there are my minions.
Chissum Worthington: guitar in pussy cow....but i also play bass, keyboards, harmonica, percussion, and soul.
6. What made you get involved with music?
Joe: I've been a music nut forever just never thought I was talented enough to actually persue anything with it.
Flaco: Chicks
Chissum Worthington: john, paul, george, and ringo
7. Were any of you involved in other bands prior to this one?
Joe: several fake bands and bands that didn't get off the ground: FFD, Shermy
Flaco: Since I was a youngster. Many. Bassists are sluts too, and have more opportunities thatn other instruments, because basically, who the fuck wants to play bass anyway? I still don't.
Chissum Worthington: Wormstew, I Am Rag, Incense Graveyard, The Leeks, The Popstars, and The Volkwood Ghost
8. Where does the inspiration for the songs come from?
Joe: Mostly from pop culture icons and food. We have songs about Jello Biafra, the Muffs, Ice T, Sean Combs, Jack Stephan, Tacos. Other ones are usually about being a jerk when it comes to relationships.
Flaco: Takin a shit in the morning
9. What has been your favorite venue or town/city to play?
Joe: Hmm. We haven't been out of Los Angeles often so I've loved all the places we've played outside of LA. the Double Down in Vegas, The Mint in Bakersfield, Thee Parkside in SF. When it comes to Los Angeles, I love playing Safari Sam's, Mr. T's, the Key Club (because then the parents show up), the Echo, Old Towne Pub and Spaceland. Pretty much anywhere that will let us play.
Flaco: Canterbury, UK
10. How did P-Cows's involvement with Kiss or Kill come about? When did you play your first Kiss or Kill show?
Flaco: Joe can tell it better. I'm on Vicodin, and in a neck brace. Talk to the singer
Joe: Well we were all fans of Kork before we were a band. One of my main goals with the band was to one day play KorK. We played our first Kork show on June 14th of 2005. I believe we said it was our farewell show.
11. What do you feel makes Kiss or Kill different from other nights in Los Angeles/Hollywood?
Joe: The bands are cooler. Always.
Flaco: Good people, absence of competetive bullshit.
12. You guys are now booking your own night,Club Yoostuh BeCool, in Pasadena. What type of bands do you try to book and what is the vibe you strive to give?
Joe: well, i guess the vibe is sort of like the one created by Kork.We would like to create a close knit family of bands. We book lots of the bands that play KorK but we also book slower quieter acts and acts that are less aggressive than punk. The idea is that just because you're in a punk band doesn't mean you don't like the occasional country or roots or blues act. The trick is to book those quieter acts that still have enough attitude that will make the punks shake their ass or raise their fist or sit back and listen. It is also so we can create a scene in Pasadena. Most the live music I read about around pasadena is jazz (nothing wrong with that) and tribute bands. We'd like to create something that the kids of pasadena look forward to monthly.
Flaco: If it were up to me, it would be all Polka, and sometime Reggaeton
13. You have been working on a new CD how has that process been compared to the first one? You've also been featured on a compilation what is it and how did that come about?
Joe: Ha! the first cd was us being recorded live at kxlu. This an actual in studio recording. It has been lots of fun. Schnee could answer this better than I can. The compilation is for Crimescene Records which is a new record company run by Sam Of Broke 'Til Thursday and Doug from three or four different bands (Margate, Costello, Sweet Sensations). I saw their ad in a magazine I wrote for and saw that a lot of friends' bands were going to be on this comp. I found out it was them putting together the comp and just asked if we could participate. It was that easy. We already had "Taco Chariot" reocorded so we let them use it.
Flaco: The recording process has allowed me to channel my inner-Phil Spector. Fuck the Wall of Sound. Production through fear. Set the air conditioner to 47 degrees, and tell the 14 year old boy, to make it snappy, with my chalice of brandy.
14. During your first year of playing out there was an honor of PCOW Fan #1 given out, who got that title and how did they get it?
Joe:There were about 15 people or so who had attended every p-cow show. As we kept playing, more and more people would miss a show here and there. Some people were incredibly competitive about it. It became the Pu$$y-Cow 10, then the 7 etc. Jeff Penalty of Black Fag and the Dead Kennedys finally won out and continued attending shows until we played about 30 in a row i think. We screwed him up one day by agreeing to a last minute show while he was out of town.
15. In your own words how would you describe your sound?
Joe: This is what I tell people: "Rock n' Roll. All the songs are short and fast"
Flaco: Rock
16. How has the sound evolved since you first became a band?
Joe: Some of our songs got longer. They have more intricate parts. My lyrics have progressed. I can tell an old P-cow song by how many times I throw in a "really" or a "fucking" for timing issues. I think we've all improved with the exception of Flaco who was already at God like status.
Flaco: It hasn't. It has devolved.
17. What bands have influenced you personally?
Joe: the Dwarves and the Cramps is probably where you can find most of my part in the band. Besides that I'm a music nut. I listen to lots of Hip Hop and Soul as well as Punk Rock. I have this weird notion that the more hip hop I listen to, the better my lyrics will get.
Flaco: Thin Lizzy, Iron Maiden
18. What advice would you give to bands that are just starting out?
Joe: I think bands need to move more on stage. Shoegazing bores the fuck out of me. I just worked 8-10 hours, went home, got dressed for the night, went to your show, paid 5-10 dollars to watch you drone about your ex girlfriend and stare at your feet and pretend you don't want to be there. Fuck you! If you didn't want to be there, you wouldn't be making the music. whoa! where did that come from? Sorry.
Flaco: Have fun
19. What would be your dream bill to play on?
Joe: the Dwarves or the Cramps or Iggy or the Dillinger 4 or Tom Jones or Jerry Lee Lewis hahahaha
Flaco: Iron Maiden and The Police
20. If you didnt reside in the Los Angeles area where would you live?
Joe: Paris...but right now, I'm looking at the Crenshaw area.
Flaco: Somewhere by the ocean, but in California.